Place: BAU Future Campus, Istanbul, Turkey
Date: 3 – 9 July 2023
Part of the scientific work is the presentation of the results of their research at international conferences. One of the conferences we regularly attend is the International Conference on Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability, which was held this year in Istanbul, Turkey. This year’s event was held in honor of several renowned scientists in this field, and we are happy that one of them is Dr. Győző Garab, who gave a plenary lecture in which he presented a cross-section of the results of his lifelong research. Along with him, some members of his team attended the conference – Dr. Václav Karlický and Dr. Ondřej Dlouhý, who were invited to give a lecture, and MSc. Kinga Böde, who, together with five other students, was awarded for the excellent presentation of the poster message and also got the opportunity to present their results in front of the audience. Our presentations aroused interest and led to fruitful discussions with other foreign colleagues. In addition to the professional part, all participants of the conference could take part in two social events – a welcome meeting on the first day and a trip to local monuments and a tasting dinner on the penultimate day. From a professional and social point of view, we evaluate the conference very positively and look forward to the next one!
Video z místa konání konference