Head of the Department of Physics

Tel.: 553 46 2150
Mob. tel.: 731 444 481
E-mail: vladimir.spunda@osu.cz
Biophysical plant physiology; photosynthesis under stress conditions – photoprotective processes, mechanisms of acute response and acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants to abiotic stressors; variability of composition and of structural and functional properties of thylakoid membranes of higher plants in the context of tolerance to oxidative stress; the effects of intensity and spectral composition of light and non-optimal temperatures on plant assimilatory apparatus and accumulation of metabolites involved in processes reducing oxidative damage of assimilatory apparatus
Methods of optical spectroscopy and their application in photosynthesis research
Head of the Biophysics group, Deputy head of the Department of Physics

Tel.: 553 46 2159
E-mail: michal.stroch@osu.cz
- ecophysiology, biophysics and biochemistry of photosynthesis of higher plants
- study of mechanisms by which the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants reacts to short-term and long-term changes in environmental factors (intensity and spectral quality of radiation, UV radiation, air temperature)
analysis of the functional state of photosystem II and I by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence and the redox state of the primary electron donor of photosystem I (P700)
Department Administrative Coordinator

Tel.: 553 46 2160
E-mail: irena.kurasova@osu.cz
The effects of environmnetal factors (especially of light) on photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants and study of protective mechanism responsible for higher tolerance of plants to environmental stresses.
Electrophoretic separation (native, SDS) of pigment-protein complexes and proteins, chlorophyll fluorescence at room temperature, absorption spectrophotometry
Assistant professor

Tel.: 553 46 2156
E-mail: vaclav.karlicky@osu.cz
study of the acclimation response of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants to different environmental conditions (intensity and spectral quality of radiation, temperature), study of the influence of non-bilayer lipid phases on the function, macro-organization and flexibility of thylakoid membranes
circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, electrochromic shift (ECS, ΔA515), measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence induction and of P700 redox state
Assistant professor

Tel.: 553 46 2159
E-mail: martin.navratil@osu.cz
Study of spectral-optical properties of plants, radiometric measurements (spectral composition and intensity of incident radiation), study of the influence of microclimatic conditions (radiation, temperature) on the tolerance of the assimilation apparatus of plants to exposure to abiotic stresses.
radiometry, absorption and emission spectroscopy in the UV-VIS spectral region, chlorophyll a fluorescence
Assistant professor

Tel.: 553 46 2156
E-mail: jakub.nezval@osu.cz
The contribution of secondary metabolites (especially of phenolic compounds) to the plant tolerance against detrimental effects of abiotic stresses; induction and regulation of secondary metabolites production by environmental cues (e.g., by the light differing in spectral quality and irradiance, high and low temperatures and interaction of these factors); mutual functional substitutability of protective metabolites regarding plant stress tolerance and their potential for cross-tolerance
high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, absorption spectrophotometry, chlorophyll fluorescence-based methods
Assistant professor

Tel.: 553 46 2162
E-mail: daniel.vrabl@osu.cz
Research of diffusional and biochemical limitation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, stomatal and mesophyll conductance to CO2, regulation of stomatal density and distribution on leaf surface and determination of diffusional and transport properties of the cuticular membrane. The use of stable isotopes in the plant physiology end ecophysiology of plants.
Plants gas exchange measurements, modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence, analysis of non-structural carbohydrates, leaf/plant water status measurements, estimation of protein Rubisco activity.

Tel.: 553 462 164
E-mail: ondrej.dlouhy@osu.cz
Study of the role of non-lamellar lipids and lipid phases in the structure and function of plant thylakoid membranes
Absorption and fluorescence optical spectroscopy, electrochromic shift, native and denaturing electrophoresis, immunoblotting

Tel.: 553 46 2164
E-mail: adriana.volna@osu.cz
Expression of genes related to production of phenolic compounds and compounds/enzymes involved in plant antioxidant machinery. Detection a localisation of phenolic compounds and reactive oxygen species in plant tissues
RT-qPCR, PCR, RNAseq, fluorescence microscopy

Tel.: 553 462 164
E-mail: kinga.bode@osu.cz
Studying the role of non-lamellar lipid phases in the structure and function of plant thylakoid membranes.
Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, circular and linear dichroism spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy techniques
Visiting Professor

E-mail: garab.gyozo@gmail.com
Study of the role of non-lamellar lipids and lipid phases in plant thylakoid membrane structure and function.
In particular, the use of optical spectroscopy and neutron and X-ray scattering methods (SANS, SAXS, WAXS) to study the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus.
Ph.D. student

Tel.: 553 46 2164
E-mail: radomir.pech@osu.cz
study of the importance of low-molecular metabolites in increasing plant resistance to adverse abiotic environmental factors; induction and regulation of secondary metabolites by external environmental factors, mainly due to light conditions of different spectral quality and irradiance, temperature and their interactions; study of antioxidant activity of low-molecular metabolites and reactive oxygen species or products of their interaction with biomolecules.
high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, absorption and fluorescence spectrophotometry
Ph.D. student

Tel.: 553 46 2164
E-mail: jan.pleva@osu.cz
Study of carbon distribution between primary and secondary metabolism under optimal and stress conditions, diffusion and biochemical limitations of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, electronic structures and computational modeling of absorption of selected biomolecules.
gasometric measurements, liquid chromatography
Ph.D. student

Tel.: 553 46 2164
E-mail: daniel.duda@osu.cz
Study of the acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants to different spectral quality and intensity of light, study of the accumulation of geranylgeranylated chlorophylls after acclimation to green light
Measurement of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence and measurement of the redox state of P700, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the UV-VIS region, electrochromic shift (ECS, ΔA515)
Lab technician

Tel.: 553 46 2160
E-mail: bela.piskorova@osu.cz
Keeping the laboratory infrastructure of the Biophysics group running and in good condition, technical assistance in experiments

Tel.: 553 46 2151
E-mail: jana.janoscova@osu.cz
Administrative and project management.