We are happy to announce that today we presented the award of the head of the physics department to four students of the bachelor’s program in Physics for their excellent academic results, and among the awardees is the student of Biophysics Ms. Kateřina Loučková (now in 2nd year). The more solemn handing over took place with the participation of all department staff and invited students.
The weighted academic average of completed common core subjects recommended for the first year of study was evaluated and Kateřina achieved an average of 1.5.
The award was connected not only with the presentation of a diploma, but also with the payment of a one-time scholarship.
We believe that Kateřina and the other awarded students can inspire and motivate other students by their example, and also that this form of prize can be an additional impulse for the awardees to continue their academic journey with unceasing enthusiasm.
CONGRATULATIONS, Kateřina! We are proud of you and thank you for your diligence, effort and enthusiasm in studying physics. Keep working on your goals and at the same time never stop dreaming ?